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We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

Our Mission

Our Mission


The support our local community through collective philanthropy, in a streamlined way.  


Our Vision 


To enhance community opportunities by providing donations to Huntington based 501(c)(3)s.


The 100 Women of Huntington is a grassroots project that was created in January 2023 as the result of an idea that stemmed from one woman who wanted to make a difference in their community.  The beauty of this concept is that 100 women can feel that they have had an impact on supporting their local community, four times per year through collective philanthropy, in a streamlined way.  


The members of this group will meet 4 times a year, for one hour per meeting.  Our first meeting will take place on 3/1/23.  That date is significant being it is the first day of Women’s History Month.  Every individual will commit to donating $100 at each meeting.  This would allow us to donate $10,000 to a different organization in need, every quarter.  



  • Three days prior to the meeting, members have the ability to electronically nominate a 501(c)(3) to donate to.

  • No political, religious or national organizations may be nominated.

  • Prior to the meeting, all nominations will be checked to verify the status of their 501(c)(3)s. 

  • On the evening of the meeting, three organizations will be randomly drawn. 

  • All individuals that nominated an organization must be present or that organization will be eliminated for that evening. 

  • Those individuals will then have five minutes to convince the membership why their nomination should be selected. 

  • Next, there will be a five minute Q & A. 

  • Once that process is complete, the membership votes, and the votes are tallied. 

  • Once the winner is selected, all 100 of us write a $100 check payable directly to the winning organization.

  • To keep things equitable, once an organization receives money from the 100 Women of Huntington, they cannot be nominated again for three years.  Organizations that fall under the umbrella of another organization that has already received money is also not eligible for nomination for three years.  


We want to make sure we spread the love!


In order to streamline the process, we will have 10 team leaders managing a team.  If you cannot make a meeting, we ask that you coordinate getting your donation to your team leader within two days after the meeting takes place or, you may send your leader with a blank check for $100 to fill out once we know which organization is selected.  If someone drops from your team, we ask that you find a substitute to help maintain the $10,000 gift each quarter.  


We hope you will consider partnering with us to help make a positive impact in the township Huntington.

Click here to become a member

Click here to nominate an organization

*Please note that we are a group of individuals coming together to support our community.  Everyone involved represents themselves and does not represent any particular group or organization that they may be affiliated with outside of this grassroots initiative.

We Need Your Support Today!

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